Monday, January 2, 2017

New year, not so new me.

"New year, new me!" I have always been mildly annoyed by that saying. An entire life of bad habits are just going to disappear because you get this magic fresh start? Realistically, that isn't even close to the truth. But, despite my annoyance, I do like the idea behind the saying. It is always nice to get a fresh start and change things for the better. Which, I guess, is what leads me to this blog.

I am morbidly obese. Whew, now I can let out that breath I have been holding. Right now, I weigh about 270 lbs and am a size 22 in jeans I know, those are pretty big numbers when talking about your body, especially when you used to be very petite like I was. That is neither here nor there, as I hate to dwell on my "skinny days". 

You can ask almost anyone around and they will tell you that I have more confidence than anyone else that they have ever met in their entire life. Which, admitting, is probably an understatement. I love my body and I love the way I look. I feel beautiful and I have an amazing husband that shows me how beautiful I am every single day. But, that being said, it doesn't mean that I don't recognize where I could improve. 

I miss being able to run a mile, and I want to be able to run around and play with my children. Hell, one day I would like to have more children.

So, I have decided to focus on being healthy. I will not go on a diet, but I will try and change my lifestyle. There are going to be ups, downs, disappointments, and triumphs. I will be posting for myself to make sense of the changes and have a place to document my story.

I have decided to get the app "Lose It" to track my intake and output and will also be going to the (probably very busy) gym tomorrow. I am nervous for change, but excited to start this new journey.

Here goes it, world. New year, new perspective. 

Big Girl

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